Wednesday 22 October 2014

Research opening- Legally Blonde

Legally blonde filming opening
Legally Blonde was made in 2001. The certification for the film is PG-13. The studio that produced this film was Metro Goldwyn Mayer studios. The director of the film is Robert Luketic. On opening weekend Legally Blonde produced $20,377,426 (USA) (15th July) (2,620 Screens). The awards that the film won: Hollywood makeup artist and hair stylist guild award (2002), MTV movie awards- Best dressed, best comedic performance and best line, Teen Choice awards- movie of the summer. The film also had 2 golden globe nominations.

Target audience and whom it appeals to.
I think that the target audience is girls between the ages of 12 and 18. I think this because there are elements in the narrative and mise en scene that would appeal more to females of this age bracket. I think fans of romantic comedy and typically girly films would go and see this film in cinemas.

The titles and credits in this film opening were all in pink writing, which I can connote that the film is aimed at younger girls. When the titles first appear the production company comes first and then the actors. From watching the opening I can tell that the most important actor comes first for example Reese Witherspoon because she is the main character of the film. These credits shown on screen reflect the genre and target audience. Another way this appeals to younger girls is the typeface. The font that is used throughout the whole opening sequence is very girly pink and quite bright and is similar to fairy lights that some girls tend to have in their bedroom when they were little. The typeface is also similar to what a girl’s handwriting may look like because in some words the “I” are dotted with hearts like some girls used to do. The use of pink in the font makes it appeal more to girls due to pink being a stereotypical female colour.

In the opening credits there a non- diegetic sound track is playing in the background. The soundtrack is stereotypically directed at girls. The soundtrack is very upbeat and is quite poppy with would appeal more to younger girls. This soundtrack sets a happy and carefree atmosphere. The soundtrack played in the opening could appeal to girls more because it is a female singer in the track, which might appeal more to younger girls. As well as a non diegetic sound track playing, at some points in the opening the sound track is turned down so we can hear the diegetic sounds in the background for instance the bike, boys cheering and people talking.

Representation of characters and Mise En Scene.
In the film opening we don’t see much of the main character however we do see people that live with her and I can connote that the girls that she lives with all dress and act similar ways. I think that all the female characters in the opening scene are all represented in the same way for example the majority of the girls in the house all wear pink and act the same way which could connote that they could be following the crowd therefore all acting the same way. The costumes of the girls reflect this as the majority of the girls in the camera shot are all wearing skirts, which could connote that they are all girly girls. The high key lighting also reinforces at what time in the day that the film is set and also makes the film look unhappier whereas low key lighting would make the film look creepy like in a horror film.

Atmosphere created.

After watching the film opening I can see that a stereotypical perfect day is portrayed. The character riding her bike down the street looks as if she doesn’t have any worries, I can connote that the girls are at the age where they would be in college or university however they do not seem like they are hard working and are worried about school. A happy carefree atmosphere has also been created and this is reinforced by what the girls are doing like being in the gym or going to parties. The girls also seem quite naïve and as if they aren’t living in the real world.

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