At this point in time we have completed two filming sessions. The first session of filming was between our main protagonist and our antagonist. We filmed several shots of the point in the opening where the climax is built up therefore a lot of shots is needed to reflect this. We incorporated both actors together in one or two shots. However after we looked back on our footage we found that we didn't have enough shots of our protagonist at the build up to the point where he is killed.
After discussing this with our team and the actors, we scheduled another filming session with the main protagonist so we could film more shots for the climax point. When we did the second filming sessions we tried to focus on doing some close ups of the protagonist's face. We also tried to include different shot angles and distances to add shot variation to our film opening.
We are in the process of scheduling another filming sessions in which we can finish off the shots we need. These shots are the group shots. We have about 8 shots to complete and hope to get them done during one day.