Wednesday 11 March 2015

Filming Update

Since me and Katie have been in Venice Alfie has audience tested our rough cut. Therefore we have received feedback concerning our film opening. We have also received feedback from our teacher. To improve our film we are going to rewrite the first part of our film. In this rewrite we are going to include a dual narrative. In this rewrite we are going to have some shots of the antagonist sharpening his weapon and putting on his mask. We are going to do this in a different location. We will edit this together with the second part to create a jump cut.
We are also going to to only use 2 actors as it will be more convenient for filming and it will make the narrative clearer as we realised before there wasn't a good reason for Sophie being there. Instead we are going to have a narrative where Ton and Edward are out walking a dog and then they go their separate ways to go home- this is where it will link in with the second part of our rough cut.
In terms of titles, sound and our ident we have completed our incidental music and have found the necessary sound effects that we need for the opening.
We are having some troubles with the titles as when we add the animation for the title there is a blue tinge which we are having trouble getting rid of.
Our ident has been created but we are having trouble embedding it onto the opening of our clip as it has been shrunk down.
Hopefully tomorrow we are going to film the dual narrative part of the opening including our antagonist.

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