Tuesday 2 December 2014


To be able to communicate well with my other team members we have set up a group chat on Facebook which will enable us to communicate swiftly and easily with each other. Using this group chat is a good idea because all members have facebook which means that this method is easily accessible. To ensure that communication is happening between members of my group and the actors we have hired to be in our film we will make another group chat which will include our actors in. Doing this will mean that we will be able to contact them easily where they are at home or on the go. This chat will also enable our actors to ask us any questions or if they have any queries about what they will need to bring or do. The chat is also a way to inform us if the actors are going to be late or will not be able to turn up for filming sessions.

Before and after the filming process my group and I will try to have frequent meetings discussing the next task that we will do for our film and any problems that we have been finding during the filming process. We will also try to have meetings with our actors every week to make sure they are aware of what they are doing in the next filming session. We will also use these meetings to answer any questions or problems that our actors may have.

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