Thursday 27 November 2014

Questions for our target audience focus group.

I gathered a group of people who are in the correct age span for my target audience. I asked them questions relating to my film and I also asked them if they had any improvements which could benefit the final outcome of my film. The questions I asked where:

1. Do you think that the narrative is something along the lines of what you would conventionally expect from a horror or a Slasher film?

2. Would this film appeal to the target audience?

3. Please explain your answer.

4. In a horror film, what aspects are important to an opening?

5. After watching the opening to this film would it convince you to continue watching the rest of the film?

6. Would you want to see lots of gore and violence in this film?

7. What elements would you like to see in a Horror/ Slasher film opening?

8. Do you have any suggestions of things to include in our Slasher film opening?

9. Are there any elements of our film opening that you feel we should not include?

10. Whom would you recommend this film to?

11. Why?

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