Wednesday 19 November 2014


The weapon.
The prop that we are going to use is going to be a woodcutters axe. We chose this weapon because it is a classic weapon that has been used in old school horror and Slasher films. We though that using this axe would be more unique than using a kitchen knife as they are commonly used in Slasher films. One of the reasons we decided to use an axe is because it is easy to get hold off and would be easy to transport around. Using an axe may also surprise the audience as usually they may expect knives in a Slasher film.
We think that using the axe will also look more threatening as axes are usually used for chopping wood in half- this could foreshadow what might happen to one of the protagonist victims. An axe is also a brutal weapon which could fit in well with the codes and conventions that usually occur in Slasher films. When using an axe it requires a lot of force to use it which could connote that the murderer using it is quite strong. Axes have larger blades than other weapons which could connote that a lot of damage could be done by using this particular weapon.

Art Mask.
We have chosen to use a white art mask as when the antagonist is wearing the mask it could look creepy and ominous which could help build the atmosphere for the audience. The white mask will also make our antagonist look recognisable and will help the audience distinguish the villain from the protagonists. This white make could also act as an icon for our film and could represent our film. The mask is very distinctive therefore using this as our icon could make our film distinctive and recognisable too. When this mask is paired with the antagonist's outfit it may make his appearance look very intimidating and could scare the audience. Using a mask in our films follows the codes and conventions of the sub genre Slasher as in some films like "Scream" a mask is used to scare the protagonists and becomes an icon for the film.

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