Thursday 20 November 2014

Location Scouting

We travelled to our location to take some pictures and take some tester videos so we could see what our shots would look like. We took some of our characters with us. Due to the location being in Chacombe this would mean that some of our actors and filming crew would have to travel to the location. We needed to consider if it was going to be possible to transport all the equipment there each time we needed to film. Two of our actors live in Chacombe so that enables us to cancel out the concern of them not being able to get to the set when needed. However the other actors would need to rely on public transport or cars which could mean that it could be harder for them to get to location. Public bus is one of the modes of transport which would mean we would have to be extra careful when transporting this equipment as there are other people on the bus increasing the risk of damaged equipment. The area that we chosen to film in is public so we would also need to be aware of people walking. However due to it being a public area we would not need to ask anyone for permission to film in this area.

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