Sunday 9 November 2014

My chosen Genre.

The genre I have chosen for my film is Horror. The sub genre that I have chosen is Slasher. To recreate the codes and conventions that are usually included in Slasher films we will film the opening in low key lighting locations. I will also hope to use incidental sound to create the tense and creepy atmosphere that people would expect from Slasher films. This incidental music will also build a climax which is also expected from a Horror film. To recreate other codes and conventions which are in Slasher films we will include a physical threat and a physical weapon such as knife or axe. This will help to fulfil the audiences expectations of this sub genre.

The characters in the film opening will be dressed in way in which the audience can distinguish the antagonist from the protagonist. The antagonist will be wearing a costume that the audience would expect from a Slasher sub genre for example dark clothing and maybe a mask. The protagonist characters will be wearing clothing that will make them look like  stereotypical teenagers for example jeans and t-shirts. The protagonist will be a teenage character which will form a connection between the character and the target audience of our film. This will help our film appeal to the age group of teenagers.

The codes and conventions of Slasher films are usually a small group of teenage males and females are either lost or exploring a low key location whilst a serial killer is on the loose (the protagonists may not be aware of the killer until someone is killed off). Usually each character is killed off one at a time.
I hope to use these codes and conventions in my film to the narrative that is usually expected in this sub genre, this will also use the codes and conventions to build up the tension and climax for the audiences pleasure.

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