Tuesday 11 November 2014

Target Audience.

My film opening is in the genre Horror and the sub genre Slasher. Due to this my group and myself need to think about what age our target audience would be, this target audiences needs to be the right age so the film will appeal and will be liked by this age gap. We also need to think about the primary and secondary genders that our film opening will appeal to.
My group members and myself discussed and decided on a target audience that we felt would be appropriate to our target audience. We has discussed the possibility of having a target audience of people between the ages of 12-40. However we did not decide this as we thought 12 being the youngest would mean that the children and more naïve and may get scared or get nightmares from the storyline. Another reason why we thought not to pick 12 as our youngest is because most children of that age do not enjoy Slasher films and would prefer genres like action and adventure or science fiction/fantasy.
Myself and my group members also thought about what our eldest age would be for our film opening. We had talked about people in the 40s age range to be interested. However we decided not to because people over the age of 30/35 may not find Slasher film interesting and could find them immature or boring. From our discussion my group members and myself decided that our target audience would be people aged between 14-35. We decided on this age range because we felt that 14 was a suitable age for teenagers to be watching this particular genre of film without them being terrified and getting nightmares. We thought this was a more mature age than 12.  Using 14 as our target audience could also relate to the narrative as it included teenagers around that age. This could make the narrative and the characters relate to our target audience. We decided to have the oldest age in our target audience to be 35 as many this age still enjoy watching Slasher films and would think of  the film as boring or immature.
My group and myself also thought a lot about what would be our primary and secondary genders that this opening would appeal. The primary gender of this film is males. We chose males because stereotypically males like to go and see horror films and enjoy the gore that is in them. Men stereotypically like going to see them with females so they can cuddle and "protect" them- reinforcing the archetype that males need to protect females. Females are our secondary gender because stereotypically females do not like scary films like Slashers because they usually include lots of gore and blood. However we do know that there are some females who do like this genre and sub genre because they enjoy the narrative and the climax which is included in Slasher films.

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