Sunday 9 November 2014

Things to consider.

Things to consider

When filming our opening we must consider how long each filming session will take We also need to consider what time of day we will start filming as it gets dark earlier now. We also need to consider other arrangements our group members and actors have made and if they have any other commitments that may clash with filming time for example jobs. We need to consider and think about doing a filming session when everyone is available and if they will also be able to get to the filming location when they are required. We need to plan and film around any other commitments my team members or the actors have already made in advance and cannot be changed for example jobs or family events. Cost is a vital thing we need to think about. The group and I need to consider if we use any props how much they will cost. We also need to think what props we will use and all members of the production should look at their own homes to see if they own ay props that are needed before we go out and purchase them. When we are filming we also need to consider the natural lighting that we will be using for our opening. As it gets darks earlier now in the evening we need to plan what time we will start filming so one scene isn't darker or lighter than the other.

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